This bag of pain is NOT A TOY. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Adults are advised to handle contents carefully. This product is least harmful when opened in the company of other responsible adults. Do not take with other prescriptions of pain, physical or emotional. Unless specially advised, the dosage depends on loneliness/mugginess of the night.
For Immediate relief in case of improper application, try excessive amount of rash driving, chocolate, food or anything similarly pointless depending on sex, age and location. DO NOT take alcoholic beverages when taking this prescription.
If consumed more then recommended serious damage may occur. Under these circumstances, Please enroll for therapy or sincerely believe in clichés.
I think I know what you are talking about, but I’m not completely sure.
No cliches on offer from here.
As someone once put it: Whatchoo talkin about, Willis?
Bring back the car-loving Dushyant.
or turn into a vociferous cynic??
can only make a guess at what you are talking about…