The problem with raincoats is that they just can’t be cool. You could perhaps go with a rain jacket but those too are quite cumbersome. So then, on a cold(ish) October night in the city, I found myself what I considered rightly dressed in a very light green and beige wind cheater. Carrying the vanity theme further, I left my helmet well rested on my table back in the dorm room gathering dust. Simply, then, it was my motorcycle and I cruising the streets much too fast for my own good. And of course, she was there too. I should probably start with how wonderful she looked. But that is not the point of this recollection. If you must know more, then know this; even with me acting the monkey on my bike, she did not flinch as a pillion rider. Nor did she offer an opinion nor did she seem it appropriate to silently curse. Do you know how hard it is to find that quality in a girl? The reason I mentioned raincoats at the beginning is because as we began riding out to get some tea, it began pouring buckets. So my vanity was certainly rewarded/punished with His Almighty’s finest cold October rain. Further more, she simply wasn’t wearing any rain gear and had worn her hair open. So, I was expecting her to completely lose it any minute. I quickly pulled the bike over into an apartment building with over ledges and parked underneath. The city really had much lesser trees then what people imagined. By that time, however, my vain windcheater and she were fully soaked. Yet she did not say a word. If anything, I distinctly remember a twinge of a smile on her face. The rain showed no signs of letting up. Frightfully rude of it to do so considering it came so unannounced! More people now gathered under that ledge. It seemed like we would be here for ever, when she jumped off the bike and walked straight into the sleets of cold rain. She turned around and said, “How much better could it get?” So I fired up the bike, kicked the side stand up and eased out of a crowd of wet souls. She jumped back on and we simply continued on our way to get some hot piping tea oblivious to our certain un-dry condition. It is very rare that you encounter perfection; in a girl, and in a moment, together.
Have to dmit, I kept expecting the anonymous “her” to turn into another one of your personifications for one of your damned cars/bikes/whatever!!
Yup, D. I said “damned”!!
Gonna call you tonight, but am scared. You know about the Pan’s Labyrinth thing…its the longest message anyone’s ever left on my phone about a movie!!
Ummm…gab bas!!!
Scary – very scary. The only difference was ice cream instead of the tea.
Anyway, hope the four degrees didnt hurt you too much this time round. Then again, four whole degrees – must have been torture!
I agree with Shreya. I too, thought that this would turn out to be one of your car/bike stories. I am pleasantly surprised though.
I understand this is fiction, but the raincoat, the bike, the tea all seem real, not quite fiction. 😉
Shreya, Alexandra: You need to get off my back with my fetish for personifying cars 🙂
Alexandra: Perhaps you are right. Perfection rarely exists in Fiction.
Are you pretending that you didn’t understand what I was saying or you really didn’t get it? It’s not about perfection, that is not what I meant.
Oh yeah, one more thing…I love the woman in your story…free-spirited, bold…I like her 🙂 😉
It’s not so tough to find this woman really…It’s tough though to find men who appreciate the quality you speak of…
And I think I disagree at one point – fiction does have perfections…and such women too…Infact I can think of 2 right now… 🙂
Alexandra, Upasna: Perhaps I should explain what I meant a little better.
While I agree finding “perfect” fiction is quite hard, writing fiction about instances of perfection is quite easy. Which makes me say that perfection in the fictional stories is fake.
The real perfection can only be realized in reality or real life instances.
However, as always, a different opinion is always welcome 😉 Thank you for your comments!
For various reasons I think I have not yet graduated to ur standpoint, chat var lets meet na kadhitari…its been ages…
I don’t care whether it was fiction or not.
Me like . 🙂
Upasna: In all honesty you really dont need too. As far as meeting online we are only seperated by time zones. Isnt that an easy barrier to cross?
Avanti: Thanks. At least one to save grace!
I totally Agree with Upasana. I know of so many girls are like that. Its just that few guys appreciate it. Maybe then youre the perfect one here 😉
oye kasayes? was jus thinkin abt you so visited this page..hows japan treatin ya, dushyant-san?? 😛
Dq: hehe Calling me perfect is like saying that Toyota’s handle well. It is simply a much too large of a stretch. But I would like to continue believing that such girls are rare as that keeps the fantasy alive.
Ash: Thanks for swinging by, whatever the reason 🙂 Japan has been very good to me..