Pass fail criteria

It was quite a ritual in my younger years. The preparation for an exam or test began in earnest weeks ahead. There was systematic planning of subject coverage right until the last day. On the last day itself, besides the academic hustle, my family would get involved. Best wishes would be conferred and Mom would invoke upon the Gods themselves to lend me hand as I answered questions on acids, bases, hypotenuse triangles and the 1857 mutiny revolt. Not to forget, the last minute offering of a sweet treat as I stepped out of the door.

Over time, the drama of these rituals diminished. A loving Mom was replaced by earphones playing Eminem. Anything to block out the senseless chatter before the test! No sweet treats, perhaps a glass of water and emptying the bladder. A deep breath and you are off imagining isometric view in a large classroom with dusty wooden desks.

Later, many years later, there were no friends to wish you luck. There was just you and your Grade-book. Of course, the freezing temperature of Michigan winter added to the drabness of it all.

In line with these trends, I only had myself to support for today’s test. But there were there no papers, no pens and no multiple choices. Instead there was a track lap, a super car with an insane engine and monstrous brakes. And then there was me, in a six point harness and a Michigan summer. So anyways, the test was done and lap times were met. Having passed, I sighed in relief and joy.

It was that simple.

I suppose it is part and parcel of being an adult. Eliminate the ground speed and eliminate the drama.

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