Funnily, the realization dawned on a Thursday morning.
There was, indeed, nothing special about that day. It was just an odd day in the monthly may calendar and it happened to be a Thursday. Not your world-changing-Mondays or your-everything–is-great with this world Fridays. A plain-Jane-run-of-the-mill Thursday!
While there were many reasons for this momentous change, he was exceedingly moved after seeing the garden sprinklers spraying, on his drive to work.
The rain was crashing in on that Thursday morning like it had an agenda. And in that torrential downpour he could not help but pity the automated sprinklers that were spraying negligible amounts of water as compared to God’s own flush.
How would the sprinklers know that their efforts are in vain?
How would they know that it’s not their fault?
How would they know when to stop?
After all, in those wee hours of the morning, they were just dancing in the dark. (Thank you, Bruce!)
Guess they are not meant to know, it is indeed for that that ignorance is bliss!
They do what they are supposed to do, unfeelingly, they are the plain-jane-run-of-the-mill kind too..
Its a matter of time, if they ever grew to understand that their efforts were in vain, they probably would stop forever, or in some cases think its the effort tht counts…
‘They’ are unlike ‘him’…
on second thought, they never were the ones who defined when to start, stopping then, is also not in their hands ideally..though, doesnt always work this way…
Shit! now i can think of a million ways in which each line of this post can be looked at differently!
very well done, i say 😀
Actually, it was a plain-jane-run-of-the-mill Wednesday when one of the sprinklers discovered Self-Awareness. And with it, the plethora of questions about Life.
“What is the point of my contribution, when I am competing with God himself (he was a bit of a chauvinist)?”, he wondered out loud.
The other sprinklers, so far sprinkling in Blissful Ignorance (B.I), were inspired.
B.I gave way to speculation. Turned out that at least one of the sprinklers was a Bhagvad-Gita-ist (I could use the traditional term “vaishnav”, but isms are so fuckin intellectual that I cannot refrain from using them). “Its the effort that counts”, he surmised. “Do, without thinking of the fruits of your doing”. (Of course, in this case fruits may be a very apt term, if they’re sprinkling a tomato patch. If not, one could always use the word ‘flowers’. Or, if the lawn owner is a lazy arse, the word ‘weeds’ might suffice.).
Another turned out to be an Existentialist. “Existence before Essence”, he kept proclaiming, quite incomprehensibly. Seeing no-one quite understood his philosophy, he committed suicide by drowning himself in his own sprinkling. That had the effect of (morbidly) explaining his theory- now that he didn’t Exist.
A third one read Neitszche and declared the theoretical existence of Super-Sprinkler. The others booed him- it was only theory, they said. Until he presented himself as Super-Sprinkler, and was called Insane by some, and Messiah by others. In the end, the confusion did drive him insane.
And there was the Cynic. He just turned himself off, and sat there, morosely advising other younger (and more idealistic) sprinklers to do the same. He lived a long, but not fruitful (again, quite literally, if it’s a tomato patch) life.
I would end it here, except that I am an optimist/romantic. Hence, in my story, there is the Happy One. “Oh cool! Rain comes down, but only I can make my Sprinklies (he was one of those namers of all things unanimated. You must have met one of them. Kinda stupid…)go upwards”. And he was quite happy (and B.I.) with his supposed uniquesness.
A few days later, the dog pee’d all over the lawn, and all the sprinklers were united in their disapproval of Inconsiderate Canines.
P.S: You wanted me to write!
Upasna: heheheh It’s fun to see you battling your own wits. Although I did mean the post to be slightly hazy I do apologize for it troubling you so much 😉
But Upasna, know this, The sprinklers are very much like him.
Shreya: Yes, I asked you to write and you did. Besides a simple polite thank you, i have no words for you. You have managed to maul my sprinklers. Yet, I loved it.
Anon: Agreed.
Oh are they!?! Mayb my interpretation either of ‘him’ or ‘them’ isnt all right then..
They believe in 42 too, i presume 🙂
just bcoz Schumacher didn’t take the chequered flag, u wrote abt sprinklers and God…cool!!
Nice moral here…come hell or high water…u gotta do ur job.
Thats gen-now for u..
– PN
PN: I am intrigued. This, i feel was one of my better posts and had nothing to do with Schumacher/God. However since a post is always open to interpretation, I cannot challenge what you said.
Schumacher did not win this weekend simply because Renault was a much faster car and because Alonso did really drive well. But if you noticed, He did not say that coming second was a “fantastic result”
water(er) happens they go on…
Btw The blog is Check it out…
hehe true, G. Thanks for the link, I checked it out. Seemed great except I forget that you are a vegeterian.