“What we really need at this time, at this instant is an artist”, David said in a distinctly serious manner.
Jennifer became puzzled at this statement. It had been a lovely dinner. A long winding affair that felt questionably short. The night was crisp but not cold. The starts shimmered like extras, only in the background, if you looked at them. The check was paid for and the bill lay stagnant at the table. The waiter of course knew better not to bother once the bill was paid.
Jennifer asked why with her eyes. More about her eyes later…
“To sketch you”, David explained.
Of course, Jennifer broke into a laugh. But when she saw David’s steely resolve on the matter, she transformed her laughter into a slightly feverish giggle. She knew better to not make light of David’s romantic overtures.
“Ok, you draw me”, Jennifer replied.
David was many things but an artist he wasn’t. He was a car thief, he was most times mushy, he was dreamer and he was different. But an artist he wasn’t
And Jennifer was beyond just pretty. She with her superb green eyes (not to mention the shapely eye brows) and her long lustrous brunette hair that lie pulled to one side over her shoulders, akin to her neckline.
David scrambled to find a piece of paper. At best he could find the napkin and the pen with which he had signed the check with. David only had sketched cars before. He had a vague understanding of proportions and perspective and the mathematics that lie within an art form. So he began with what he knew best. First the eyes, then the nose, the slightly smirked lips and free flowing hair over her shoulders on one side, gently draw a few strands over her left eye.
It took a while but he had finished.
“Let me see” Jennifer said.
He flipped the napkin over carefully analyzing Jennifer’s every twitch. The sketch is by and large, terrible. The eyes much too big, the lips much too small, and the hair much too perfect!
“You are right, we do need an artist”, she said cooingly as she treasured that napkin into her purse.
To be remembered years later, when neither of them would need no artists.
Guest:cute one. its difficult to sketch the one we love and nerveousness on the other end about how the lover sees you 🙂
It would draw anyone. 🙂
Guest: Thanks!
Upasna: Especially Jen..