It is an amazingly uplifting feeling to watch an excellent movie that was released years ago. You wonder how you missed it all this while it lay right in front of you.
In the same way that you realize that being an Indian in America has its benefits. That after four years, just the like the movie, you finally find the perfect use for typical stainless steel cups that were hauled in two 32kg bags over 8000 miles.
They are perfect to twist into bread slice to cut out a perfect round hole.
And then you use lump sum amounts of natural butter to fry an egg in that cut-out hole, to make delicious and scrumptious “egg in a basket”. Something you have never had before for any particular reason.
You will have to watch “V for Vendetta” to see why it is all related to my stainless steel utensil and particularly to “eggs in a basket” but you just have to take my word that there are no coincidences.
In life, ever…