Quite coyote
Between an end a new beginning , lies a story. The story starts with the change, is about the change and ends with a change. And no matter, how you look at this story of mine, it is a significant one. Yet, I almost hesitate to write about it. It deserves a fitting blog full[…]
Not a minute to spare
Note from the author : A recap of 2020 would be pointless. Our year in south east Michigan was a wash due to the pandemic and the innate inability of the Americans to be unselfish. But our baby turned one this year! He continued to be the center of our lives. Especially as we pulled[…]
We are all made of stars
The comet NEOWISE was expected to be seen by the naked eye in the northwest sky at about 325 degrees northwest and around 11 degrees above the horizon. Low light pollution was recommended and since we live surrounded by trees and lights, I headed out in the Alfa in the search of darkness. In Ann[…]
We and Me
Home, Work, Office, Day-care, Fort, Refuge, Restaurant, Park, Prison, Camp, the great Outdoors After being in Germany for a while, Western European parenthood seemed quite well thought out. The mother could be with her child up to a year and the father was allowed to take 3 months off as per his liking, within the[…]
A year in trimester
Upside down I find it somewhat ironical that I am not spending vast amount of time documenting a year that is perhaps one of the most significant ones of my life. This further classifies my pervious detailed attempts at chronicling years moot, if not, somewhat narcissistic at best. Yet, between baby’s night time feedings, one[…]